

合作作者[TOP 5]



    内部: 1
    外部: 437
    国内: 370
    国外: 68


    内部: 0
    外部: 25
    国内: 20
    国外: 5


    内部: 0
    外部: 14
    国内: 12
    国外: 2



1. Adjusting the Trapping Process of a Directed Weighted Edge-Iterati.. [128]
2. 一类具时滞的周期logistic传染病模型空间动力学研究 [122]
3. 具周期性潜伏期的SEIR传染病模型的动力学 [102]
4. Topological graphic passwords made by series sun-graphs on odd-gra.. [93]
5. 探索拓扑编码中的图格与传统格的联系 [92]
6. 关于图的具有标号型约束条件的正常全着色 [80]
7. 珊瑚树的奇优美性 [79]
8. Hanzi-TB-paws for Helping Chinese People to Memorize Their Passwor.. [74]
9. Topological graphic passwords made by two sun-graphs on odd-gracef.. [74]
10. On couple magic total labellings of graphs for designing new graph.. [72]
11. On Evolution Properties of E-bound Growing Network Models [72]
12. (n,m)-p-蜘蛛树的强优美性 [72]
13. On Space and Design of Topological Graphic Passwords For Informati.. [72]
14. Methods And Problems Attempt in Scale-Free Models From Complex Net.. [66]
15. Connections between traditional coloring/labeliings and new set-co.. [65]
16. (2m+1,1)-p-树的二分强优美性和二分强奇优美性 [63]
17. Graphic Codes Made by Two Kinds of Sun-graphs on Odd-elegant Label.. [63]
18. The Structure and First-Passage Properties of Generalized Weighted.. [63]
19. 复合树的Felicitous性质 [61]
20. New Network Models With New Graph Labellings For Information Crypt.. [61]
21. 民主党派在新型智库建设中的责任和优势 [61]
22. T(m,1)-蜘蛛树的优美性 [60]
23. 我国货币政策调整与商业银行流动性的关系研究 [60]
24. 我国各地区信息化水平的综合评价 [58]
25. Matrices from Topological Graphic Coding of Network Security [58]
26. 探索图的标号与新型密码 [58]
27. 基于SPOC的高等数学混合式教学模式探索研究 [58]
28. 数理金融的主要发展和展望 [56]
29. L′Hospital法则的推广 [51]
30. 拓扑图形密码在金融安全领域的研究及应用 [51]
31. Eigenvalues of transition weight matrix for a family of weighted n.. [50]
32. Application of ID3 Algorithm in Customer Management about Online B.. [48]
33. 经济模型在高等数学教学中的应用探讨 [47]
34. 我国地方政府债务的现状及风险分析 [43]
35. 论当代大学生创新思维的培养 [42]
36. 关于一类蜘蛛树的全优美性 [40]
37. 完善社会保障体系促进居民消费 [38]
38. 一类蜘蛛树的(k,d)-优美标号 [35]
39. 浅谈数学在金融领域的发展及应用 [34]
40. 连路树的全优美性 [31]
41. 微课件在高等数学辅助教学中的研究与实践 [31]
42. 浅谈极限解法 [27]
43. 探索对奇边优美差全着色封闭的图格 [13]
44. 探索对奇边优美差全着色封闭的图格 [12]
45. 基于熵权法的生鲜农产品冷链物流发展影响因素灰色关联分析 [10]
46. 基于熵权法的生鲜农产品冷链物流发展影响因素灰色关联分析 [7]
47. Connections Between Traditional Coloring/labeliings And New Set-co.. [6]