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The juncture structure and statistical analysis of Tibetan Amdo dialect 会议论文
2nd International Conference on Information Science and Engineering, ICISE2010 - Proceedings
作者:  Li, Xiaoliang
收藏  |  浏览/下载:78/0  |  提交时间:2021/03/24
On couple magic total labellings of graphs for designing new graphical cryptographs 会议论文
Proceedings - 2017 4th International Conference on Information Science and Control Engineering, ICISCE 2017, Changsha, Hunan, China, 2017-07-21 - 2017-07-23
作者:  Yao, Bing;  Sun, Hui;  Zhang, Xiaohui;  Zhang, Mingjun;  Yang, Sihua
收藏  |  浏览/下载:80/0  |  提交时间:2021/03/24
Inherit differential privacy in distributed setting: Multiparty randomized function computation 会议论文
Proceedings - 15th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications, 10th IEEE International Conference on Big Data Science and Engineering and 14th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications, IEEE TrustCom/BigDataSE/ISPA 2016, Tianjin, China, 2016-08-23 - 2016-08-26
作者:  Wu, Genqiang;  He, Yeping;  Wu, Jingzheng;  Xia, Xianyao
收藏  |  浏览/下载:98/0  |  提交时间:2021/03/24
Channel capacity and channel estimation of OFDM ultra-wide-band systems 会议论文
Proceedings - 2012 International Conference on Computer Science and Electronics Engineering, ICCSEE 2012, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China, 2012-03-23 - 2012-03-25
作者:  Li, Haiyan
收藏  |  浏览/下载:85/0  |  提交时间:2021/03/24
Mining accurate top-K frequent closed itemset from data stream 会议论文
Proceedings - 2012 International Conference on Computer Science and Electronics Engineering, ICCSEE 2012, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China, 2012-03-23 - 2012-03-25
作者:  Cao, Xiaojun
收藏  |  浏览/下载:63/0  |  提交时间:2021/03/24