The selection of reform models for provincial rural credit cooperatives unions in China using an extended CPT-TODIM method based on novel type-2 fuzzy numbers
Li, Wen1,2; Wang, Luqi2; Ren, Zhiliang3; Rehman, Obaid Ur1,2
发表期刊Applied Soft Computing
摘要The selection of a suitable reform model for provincial rural credit cooperatives unions (PRCCUs) is a pivotal aspect of China's ongoing financial reform endeavors. This involves optimizing internal processes, enhancing efficiency, minimizing operational costs, elevating service quality, strengthening financial innovation capabilities, and promoting the healthy growth of rural financial markets. However, current research on this matter primarily concentrates on qualitative analysis. As of yet, a scientifically grounded decision-making framework from a quantitative standpoint has not been developed. This absence of quantitative analysis results in inaccuracies in research findings, thereby hindering the practical applicability of outcomes. To tackle this formidable challenge, we propose an innovative quantitative analysis framework employing the multi-criteria group decision-making method. This framework, which builds upon the cumulative prospect theory (CPT), the TODIM method, and the most recent advances in type-2 fuzzy numbers (T2FNs), is referred to as the T2FNs-CPT-TODIM. Initially, we define a novel score function, followed by the introduction of a fresh method for computing the distance between the T2FNs. Subsequently, our model pioneers an exclusive weight allocation strategy for decision-makers, grounded in the principles of Dice Similarity. Furthermore, the objective weights of criteria can be computed utilizing the Distance Correlation-based CRITIC approach. We then optimize the rankings by applying the advantage of gains and losses preference in the CPT-TODIM. Ultimately, we apply our proposed model to the practical task of selecting the optimal reform model for a specific PRCCU. Thorough comprehensive sensitivity and comparative analyses, the results validate the theoretical robustness and practical efficacy of our proposed method. © 2024 Elsevier B.V.
关键词Computation theory Finance Fuzzy rules 'current Cooperative union Cumulative prospect theory Financial innovation Innovation capability Provincial rural credit cooperative union Score function Service Quality TODIM method Type-2 Fuzzy Numbers
收录类别EI ; SCIE
WOS研究方向Computer Science
WOS类目Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence ; Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications
出版者Elsevier Ltd
EI主题词Decision making
EI分类号721.1 Computer Theory, Includes Formal Logic, Automata Theory, Switching Theory, Programming Theory ; 912.2 Management
原始文献类型Journal article (JA)
被引频次[WOS]:0   [WOS记录]     [WOS相关记录]
通讯作者Li, Wen
作者单位1.Economic Research Institute of the Belt and Road Initiative, Lanzhou University of Finance and Economics, NO. 496 Duanjiatan Road, Gongxingdun Street, Chengguan District, Gansu, Lanzhou; 730020, China;
2.School of Finance, Lanzhou University of Finance and Economics, NO. 496 Duanjiatan Road, Gongxingdun Street, Chengguan District, Gansu, Lanzhou; 730020, China;
3.School of Management Science and Engineering, Shandong Technology and Business University, NO. 191 Binhai Middle Road, Huanghai Street, Laishan District, Shandong, Yantai; 264005, China
第一作者单位兰州财经大学;  金融学院
通讯作者单位兰州财经大学;  金融学院
GB/T 7714
Li, Wen,Wang, Luqi,Ren, Zhiliang,et al. The selection of reform models for provincial rural credit cooperatives unions in China using an extended CPT-TODIM method based on novel type-2 fuzzy numbers[J]. Applied Soft Computing,2024,159.
APA Li, Wen,Wang, Luqi,Ren, Zhiliang,&Rehman, Obaid Ur.(2024).The selection of reform models for provincial rural credit cooperatives unions in China using an extended CPT-TODIM method based on novel type-2 fuzzy numbers.Applied Soft Computing,159.
MLA Li, Wen,et al."The selection of reform models for provincial rural credit cooperatives unions in China using an extended CPT-TODIM method based on novel type-2 fuzzy numbers".Applied Soft Computing 159(2024).
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