姓名汉语拼音Zhou Haoqian
第一导师姓名汉语拼音Xiao Qiang
英文题名The construction of China's dynamic financial condition index and its correlation with output and prices
关键词动态金融状况指数 宏观经济 TVP-VAR模型 马尔科夫区制转换模型 谱分析
外文关键词Dynamic Financial Situation Index; Macroeconomic ; Macroeconomic ; VP-VAR Model ; Markov Regional Transformation Model ; Spectral Analysis






With the evolution of global financial markets and the rapid development of industrial digitalization, China's economic growth is facing challenges. The coexistence of core inflation resilience and financial fragility has caused major difficulties. At the same time, external risks continue to accumulate, and the uncertainty of the international financial market is gradually expanding. At present, the global economy is still in the recovery stage, the geopolitical situation continues to be tense, and the vulnerability of the banking industry and non bank financial institutions has increased, which makes the uncertainty prevailing in the international financial market exist for a long time and requires an urgent assessment of its stability. The experience and lessons of previous financial crises highlight the importance of financial stability for the healthy development of financial markets, which also highlights that the central bank must have the ability to identify and measure financial stability risks. In order to strengthen and improve modern financial supervision, improve the financial stability guarantee system, and be good at identifying and preventing systemic financial risks. Therefore, the key steps to guard against China's economic and financial risks are to find indicators to measure financial development, construct China's Financial Condition Index (FCI) and analyze dynamic characteristics. The financial condition index can be placed in the monetary policy framework, and the financial development trend can be linked with the formulation and implementation of monetary policy, which is conducive to the central bank to improve the quality and efficiency of regulation at the macro level and rationalize the transmission mechanism of monetary policy.

This paper starts with five major financial indicators, namely interest rate, exchange rate, stock price, housing price and money supply, and uses dynamic factor model to conduct in-depth research, from which key common factors are extracted. Then, based on these common factors, we built a time-varying parameter vector autoregression model (TVP-VAR) to more accurately analyze the dynamic changes of the financial market. At the same time, we introduced dynamic parameter estimation to determine the dynamic weight of each factor, and built China's dynamic financial condition index (FCI). Finally, for the dynamic FCI constructed, based on wavelet decomposition and spectral analysis, this paper studies the linkage characteristics of dynamic FCI and CPI, GDP in the short, medium, long and full cycle components. Based on the Markov regime transformation model, this paper conducts impulse response analysis of dynamic FCI and CPI, FCI and GDP, in order to objectively explore the impact of financial conditions on output prices.

According to the empirical research, the conclusions of this paper are as follows: First, the dynamic financial condition index can be used as a short-term predictor of CPI and GDP. The dynamic financial condition index constructed in this paper has a relatively significant Granger causality with CPI and GDP. Second, in view of the low inflation rate, the long-term low inflation pattern of the economy, and the continuous low price operation period, we should immediately introduce and adjust relevant monetary policies to broaden and smooth the channel of asset prices. Specifically, by continuously improving the Tobin Q value of asset prices and wealth effect, this process aims to improve consumer confidence, boost the vitality of market players, and at the same time improve the investment confidence of investors, so as to effectively and timely promote the stability of the real economy with real gold and silver. At the same time, we need to continue to make progress and deepen the economic marketization reform of the exchange rate, and constantly reduce the price difference of RMB and digital RMB in the domestic big circulation and foreign double circulation markets, so as to ensure a more smooth transmission of monetary policy. When facing high high inflation,PriceandWagesWe need to adopt two strategies during the general rising period of. First of all, the corresponding indicators of FCI should be included in the monitoring scope of monetary policy as auxiliary indicators to better grasp the dynamics of inflation. Secondly, we must pay close attention to the potential role of money supply and exchange rate in promoting inflation, and prevent the impact of excessive inflation on the economy by reasonably guiding the flow of funds. Through these measures, we expect to be able to effectively respond to the challenges under different inflationary environments and maintain the stable operation of the economy. Thirdly, this paper constructs a dynamic financial condition index based on relevant empirical data. Through wavelet decomposition and frequency domain analysis, it is found that there is a good correlation between CPI, GDP and financial condition index FCI, and the financial condition index is the Granger cause of CPI and GDP. It shows that the financial condition index can be a more effective leading indicator for China's economic activities, and it can be a great reference for China to formulate monetary policy.

The index should become a "reference wind vane" for monetary policy to adjust inflation and serve as a "barometer warning" mechanism to observe China's macroeconomic dynamics. We need to monitor all aspects of the financial market system and its related variables, promote interest rate marketization reform, and take rapid and effective intervention measures when necessary. Strengthening regulation, optimizing the business environment, supporting the development of new industries, and promoting innovation-driven transformation and upgrading of the real economy are all critical steps. These measures will facilitate the return of capital to the real economy and provide a more conducive environment for interest rate market reform. At the same time, we also need to actively promote the coordination of financial development and economic growth objectives. Such strategic cooperation is aimed at achieving short-term stability and long-term sustainable development in the economic and financial spheres.

GB/T 7714
周浩乾. 我国动态金融状况指数的构建及其与产出价格的关联性分析[D]. 甘肃省兰州市. 兰州财经大学,2024.
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