Student number2021000008197
Degree Grantor兰州财经大学
Year of admission2021-9
Degree category专业硕士
Training level硕士研究生
Subject major name会计
First InstructorDONG CHENG
Title of First Tutor教授
Second Mentor name PinyinZHENG YUN PENG
Title of Second Tutor高级会计师
EnglishnameStudy on Financial Performance of YunnanBaiyao under Financialization
Keyword金融化 财务绩效 云南白药
EnglishhingewordFinancialization ; Financial performance ; Yunnan Baiyao





关键词:金融化 财务绩效 云南白药

English abstract


With the implementation of supply-side structural reform in China, the economy has entered a stage of high-quality development. The industrial structure is continuously adjusted and the proportion of the service industry is steadily increasing. As a result, traditional manufacturing industries are facing problems of limited development space and financing and operational difficulties. Meanwhile, the securities and stock markets are experiencing continuous improvement and development, with profits in the financial industry increasing. Consequently, manufacturing enterprises have begun to shift their focus towards financialization as they "off virtual to real". The pharmaceutical manufacturing industry plays a crucial role in China's economy with promising prospects for growth. In recent years, influenced by both internal and external factors, this sector has started allocating financial assets. Yunnan Baiyao, a leading enterprise in the pharmaceutical industry with a strong emphasis on financial management,so it is of practical significance to study its financial performance under financialization.

This paper first reviews relevant literature and theoretical foundations from both domestic and abroad sources. Subsequently, it provides an in-depth analysis of Yunnan Baiyao's current state of financialization along with its motivations behind such actions. Furthermore, this research has adopted entropy method to compare and analyze the existing problems and shortcomings of Yunnan Baiyao's financial performance from the vertical and horizontal directions and five dimensions of debt repayment, profit, operation, development as well as research & development capabilities. According to the above research, it can be concluded as follows. Firstly, Yunnan Baiyao's financialization is influenced by both internal and external factors. Secondly, there exists an excessive level of financialization within Yunnan Baiyao. Thirdly, financialization exerts a negative impact on the financial performance of Yunnan Baiyao. Fourthly, financialization moderately hampers the R&D capabilities of enterprises. Lastly, it is recommended that the government should strengthen its supervision over enterprise financialization and encourages entity businesses to prioritize their core operations and physical investments. At the same time, The Yunnan Baiyao Company should concurrently enhance its awareness of financial risk prevention and allocate its own financial assets reasonably, focusing on the development of its core business.

By analyzing the impact of Yunnan Baiyao financialization on the financial performance of enterprises, the study on the financial performance of enterprises from the micro level will be enriched. And suggestions are also provided for other Chinese enterprises to carry out financialization activities so that entities can make full use of the positive impact of moderate financialization in the process of financialization and avoid the adverse impact of excessive financialization.

KeywordsFinancialization; Financial performance; Yunnan Baiyao


Date Issued2024-05-26
Place of Conferral甘肃省兰州市
Security level公开
Classification number of the middle pictureF23/1118
Document Type学位论文
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
吴雅楠. 云南白药金融化下的财务绩效研究[D]. 甘肃省兰州市. 兰州财经大学,2024.
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