英文题名Research on ecological compensation in nine provinces and regions of the Yellow River basin based on water resources assets and liabilities accounting
关键词跨区域+水资源生态补偿+水资源资产负债核算 +黄河流域九省区+多区域投入产出模型(MRIO)
外文关键词Cross-regional+Ecological compensation for water resources+Water resources assets and liabilities accounting+Nine provinces and regions in Yellow River basin+Multiregional input-output model (MRIO)











As a kind of basic material and strategic economic resources, water resources have three functions of resource, environment and ecology, which play an important role in promoting economic and social development and maintaining ecological balance. With the rapid development of economy and society and the continuous advancement of industrialization, problems such as excessive consumption of water resources, damage to water environment and deterioration of water ecology have become increasingly serious. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that we should deepen the prevention and control of environmental pollution, coordinate the governance of water resources, water environment, and water ecology, and promote the ecological protection and governance of important rivers, lakes, and reservoirs. Ecological compensation for water resources can internalize the external cost by restraining the damage behavior or encouraging the protection behavior through economic means, which can effectively solve the contradiction of coordinated development between water resources and regional economy and promote the healthy and sustainable utilization of water resources. Under the background of coordinated regional development strategy and coordinated promotion of grand governance, the cross-regional ecological compensation for water resources, which aims to systematically solve the problems of water resources, water environment and water ecology, is increasingly important. As an important part of  the research on cross-regional ecological compensation mechanism of water resources, the ecological compensation standard for water resources directly determines the compensation strength and whether the compensation can be implemented smoothly. The accounting of water resources assets and liabilities is an important basis for the paid use of water resources and the formulation of water ecological compensation standards, which can provide a new idea for the research of the cross-regional ecological compensation for water resources. In addition, at present, the nine provinces and regions in the Yellow River basin have serious problems such as water resources shortage, water environment pollution, river channel cut-off and wetland degradation, etc. Based on this, taking nine provinces and regions in the Yellow River basin as the research area, it is of great theoretical significance and application value to explore the cross-regional ecological compensation mechanism of water resources based on the accounting of water resources assets and liabilities.

First of all, this thesis reviews domestic and foreign literature from three aspects: connotation and theoretical basis of ecological compensation for water resources, water resources assets and liabilities accounting, and ecological compensation mechanism of water resources, then fully grasps the existing research progress and future expansion, and further determines the research ideas of this thesis. Secondly, the basic connotations of the water resources assets and liabilities accounting and the cross-regional ecological compensation for water resources are defined, and the theoretical bases of both are discussed, so as to provide scientific basis for the compilation of water resources balance sheet and the research on cross-regional ecological compensation mechanism of water resources. On this basis, the scientificity, rationality and feasibility of carrying out cross-regional ecological compensation for water resources based on water resources assets and liabilities accounting are elaborated. Thirdly, the basic elements, accounting methods and table structure of the balance sheet of water resources are clarified, and then the balance sheet of water resources is compiled to provide quantitative basis for cross-regional ecological compensation of water resources. Based on this, a cross-regional ecological compensation mechanism of water resources based on the perspective of water resources assets and liabilities accounting is constructed, and the objectives and principles, subjects and objects of compensation, compensation standard and compensation mode of cross-regional ecological compensation for water resources are systematically discussed. Finally, the empirical study is carried out in nine provinces and regions of the Yellow River basin where the geographical location is important but the ecological environmental problems of water resources are prominent and the ecological compensation is relatively weak, and the application analysis of cross-regional ecological compensation for water resources is carried out. Meanwhile, in order to investigate the dynamic change characteristics of ecological compensation for water resources, this thesis takes the planning period as the cycle to study the water resources assets and liabilities and ecological compensation of nine provinces and regions in the Yellow River basin during the 12th Five-Year Plan period and the 13th Five-Year Plan period. Specific conclusions are as follows:

Firstly, cross-regional ecological compensation for water resources has three basic features: considering both damage compensation and protection compensation, highlighting the overall protection and management of water resources, water environment and water ecology, and promoting the ecological compensation for water resources in the whole region. The theory of water resources assets and liabilities accounting, which is based on the DPSIR chain theory and the system of the environmental economic accounting, provides an important basis for the balance relationship, confirmation basis, accounting methods and table structure of water resources balance sheet. The cross-regional ecological compensation mechanism of water resources, which is built with the sustainable development theory, the ecosystem theory, the equity and efficiency theory as the core, is the key to solve the main problems such as why, how and how much to compensate for cross-regional ecological compensation of water resources.

Secondly, water resources assets include water quantity assets and water area assets, which are accounted by fuzzy mathematics comprehensive evaluation method of water resources value and equivalent factor method respectively. Water resources liabilities include three parts: water resources over-consumption, water environmental damage and water ecological destruction. The water resources over-consumption liability is determined according to the difference between the controlling target value of total water consumption and the actual usage of water resources. The water environmental damage liability is accounted by using virtual governance cost method, which mainly includes agricultural non-point source accounting, industrial non-point source accounting and living non-point source accounting. The water ecological damage liability is calculated based on the variation of water ecosystem service value.

Thirdly, the main objective of cross-regional ecological compensation for water resources is to systematically solve the problems of water resources, water environment and water ecology in the whole region. The principles of compensation include "fairness and efficiency combined", "the damagers pay and the protectors receive compensation", "coordination of economic and ecological benefits", and "shared responsibility, shared benefits and co-governance". The main subjects and objects of compensation are governments at all levels, water resources over-users, water environmental damagers, water ecological protectors and so on. The compensation standard is defined based on the water resources assets and liabilities accounting, and supplemented by the multi-regional input-output model. The compensation mode is dominated by government compensation and supplemented by market compensation. The two cooperate and complement each other to jointly promote the effective implementation of cross-regional ecological compensation for water resources.

Fourthly, the scale of water resources assets in the nine provinces and regions of the Yellow River basin is relatively large, and shows an upward trend in the accounting period. Water resources liabilities are relatively small and show a declining feature during the accounting period. In terms of composition, water area assets are an important part of water resources assets, and water environmental damage and water ecological damage are the main causes of water resources liabilities. In terms of spatial distribution, there are significant differences among provinces and regions in water resources assets, with the largest in the upper reaches, the second in the middle reaches, and the smallest in the lower reaches. The water resources liabilities are higher in the upstream and downstream regions and lower in the middle reaches.

Finally, there are obvious transfer phenomena of water resources occupation and water environmental pollution in the nine provinces and regions of the Yellow River basin. The horizontal ecological compensation is determined according to the transfer results of water resources liabilities implied by trade, and the vertical ecological compensation is adjusted on this basis. In horizontal ecological compensation, Shandong, Henan and other regions are the subjects of payment; Qinghai, Gansu, Ningxia and other regions are the objects of compensation. Vertical ecological compensation mainly includes damage compensation and protection compensation. During the accounting period, damage compensation decreases significantly, while protection compensation shows an increasing trend. In terms of the allocation of compensation funds, during the 12th Five-Year Plan period, the central government's allocation of funds accounts for a large proportion. During the 13th Five-Year Plan period, the share of local government compensation funds increases, and the main compensation position of local government is gradually prominent.

This study aims at the "three water" overall protection and management of water resources, water environment and water ecology, and adopts the concept of "jointly grasping great protection and synergistically promoting great governance". The cross-regional ecological compensation mechanism of water resources is studied based on the water resources assets and liabilities accounting, which helps to enrich the connotation of ecological compensation for water resources, improve the theory and method system of compensation, comprehensively solve the regional water resources problems, and promote the coordinated development of water resources and economy and society.

GB/T 7714
杨燕燕. 基于水资源资产负债核算的黄河流域九省区生态补偿研究[D]. 甘肃省兰州市. 兰州财经大学,2023.
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